William Hoffman: Gene-edited babies
GWG member and author William Hoffman gave a talk entitled “Gene-edited babies: Brave new world or promising medical frontier?” at St. Paul’s Jewish Community Center March 4, 2019. Hoffman’s lecture was timely, for the following week scientists and bioethicists from seven countries writing in Nature called for a global moratorium on heritable genome editing.What is CRISPR?
What is CRISPR? Here is a TED video explaining the basics of CRISPR.Dr. Ekker responds to the reports of human germline editing in China
Dr. Stephen Ekker, the GWG president was interviewed by KARE11 about the reports of human germline editing. Click here for the full GWG response.
Carl Zimmer interviewed here on how he received his genome on a hard drive and what he did with it
“Once upon a time, there was just one human genome and it took hundreds of people many years to read it… and it cost maybe around 3 billion [dollars].” Many years and a few thousand dollars later, Zimmer can hold his genome on a drive in the palm of his hand.
Gene Editing on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Scientists are developing new ways to alter the genetic code of living organisms. John Oliver explores the risks, rewards, and wolf-related hazards of gene editing.
Warning: Contains language not suitable for small children
Ellen Jorgensen explains the basics of CRISPR
Should we bring back the wooly mammoth? Or edit a human embryo? Or wipe out an entire species that we consider harmful? The genome-editing technology CRISPR has made extraordinary questions like these legitimate - but how does it work?
See Ellen Jorgensen in person at the GWG 2018 conference
Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell) Covers the topic of GMOs
Are GMOs bad for your health? Or is this fear unfounded? Learn about the concerns and benefits of GMOs.
Nature explains the uses of the CRISPR-Cas9 System
The CRISPR-Cas9 system has revolutionised gene-editing, but cutting DNA isn't all it can do. From turning gene expression on and off to fluorescently tagging particular sequences, this animation explores some of the exciting possibilities of CRISPR.
What is a Chromosome?
Ever get confused about the difference between DNA, genes, and Chromosomes? If so, don't worry. We straighten it all out here!