About | Our Mission
GWG members at the The Commons pub after the 2017 meeting. On the left are Dr. Maura McGrail and Dr. Jeff Essner from Iowa State University. Dr. Perry Hackett, University of Minnesota, is seated at the computer. Jeff Haltom, a graduate student in Dr. McGrail's' group is on the right.
We are experiencing a time of great technological change in genome engineering with the advent of high throughput and accessible gene editing. Current estimates measure the cost of genome engineering tools having dropped by 1000x in the last 6 years alone.
Further, one no longer needs complex molecular biology labs to generate and deploy these tools, unleashing enormous academic, corporate and entrepreneurial opportunities. If deployed responsibly, such progress will improve the world through enhanced products, new biotechnological entities, and novel therapeutics.
Our goal is to establish a rich community of stakeholders to develop the foundation for the ethical and effective use of genome engineering and to foster communication by which we will address major issues in our society... and to have some fun doing so as well!
Genome Writers Guild Mission
The Genome Writers Guild is a scientific organization of researchers, physicians, students, entrepreneurs, investors, government representatives, futurists, artists and the public. It is built on an understanding that genomic engineering comprises powerful technologies that have the potential to better humanity and the world humans inhabit. We believe that it is our duty to see this transformation happen in a responsible manner.
To succeed in this mission, the Genome Writers Guild, together with the public, will create an environment of learning and ethical science based around a concept of personal and collective responsibility. The Guild will lead public education and the scientific community in the below ways:
Within the Guild
Within the Guild, we seek to prepare the next generation of genome engineers through mentoring, instruction, and assemblies. We strive to create a culture of innovation where conversation, exposure, and collaboration, coming together to create novel technologies for the good of humanity and the world.
Outside the Guild
Outside the Guild, we hope to broaden understanding of the field of genome engineering. Importantly, we want to learn from others, bringing opinions and ideas together for a better world. We aim to consistently interact with the public through dialogue sessions, conferences, and workshops.
Public Outreach
We will inform the public to responsibly disseminate ideas and information that will lead to better understanding of the potentials and concerns of genome engineering. We intend to act as an informational resource for regulators to protect the public but not hinder progress.