Events | GWG 2018 Conference
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Sale Price: $75.00 Original Price: $125.00

The Next Revolution: Genome Engineering 2018

Genome Writers Guild Annual Conference
July 19-21, 2018, McNamara Alumni Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Genome engineering has hit the streets. The plethora of new editing tools is propelling the field into the next genomic revolution. What are the new technologies? What will we make with them? How are the innovations impacting society and our individual lives? The Genome Writers Guild's annual conference highlights the fast pace of genomic engineering. Topics at the conference focus on recent research, tangible skills for the laboratory, and the challenges of social responsibility we all share.

Who should attend? Scientists, faculty, students, entrepreneurs, investors, government representatives, futurists, science communicators, and artists focused on the responsible use of powerful new genome engineering technologies.

Registration: Find rates for faculty, students, professionals and others. You can choose to attend the full, three-day scientific conference or just the Thursday evening Science Cafe or the Friday evening dinner and keynote presentation. Register for the conference and the special events here. You can Join The Guild and save even more on the conference registration fee.

Program: Who is speaking and what happens on what days.  
  • Thursday 12 pm to 8:30 pm
  • Friday 8:30 am to 8:30 pm
  • Saturday 9 am to 12 pm

    Venue, hotels, getting around town and favorite pubs and eateries All events take place in McNamara Alumni Center which is located in the heart of the University of Minnesota campus. We have rooms reserved at reduced rates. Find out more.
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