Events | GWG 2021 Conference

Scripting Life for a Healthy Planet:
Genome Writers Guild Conference 2021
July 28-29-30


The Genome Writers Guild (GWG) conference is a virtual conference presented by the GWG and the University of Minnesota. Join us July 28, 29, and 30 for current and late-breaking research from genome engineers and synthetic biologists.

View the Program for details about the sessions and speakers for each day of the conference. Registration is opening soon for this public event. It's a virtual event - we'll be assembling on Remo this year!


Our Keynote Speakers


Dana Carroll, PhD

Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine. Dana Carroll is an American molecular biologist and biochemist who has made important contributions to the field of genome editing. He has been a member of the National Academy of Sciences since 2017.


George Church, PhD

George Church is an American geneticist, molecular engineer, and chemist. He is the Robert Winthrop Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard and MIT, and a founding member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.


Shawn Otto, Author of The War on Science

Shawn Otto is an American novelist, nonfiction author, filmmaker, political strategist, speaker, science advocate. He is the author of The War on Science, published in 2016 by Milkweed Editions.


Theresa M. Reineke, PhD

Theresa M. Reineke is an American chemist and Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota. She designs sustainable, environmentally friendly polymer-based delivery systems for targeted therapeutics. She is the Associate Editor of ACS Macro Letters.


Sean Sherman, Chef/Owner at The Sioux Chef

Author, The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen
North American Traditional Indigenous Foods
Member of the Oglala Lakota Sioux - Heidi Ehalt Photography


GWG2021 Conference Mission:

Our 2021 conference will be uniquely focused to highlight the newest gene editing science, it’s impact on stakeholders and communication to the lay public. Staying informed is important: a fact that is underscored by the COVID pandemic. Our goal is to provide a method to advocate for an informed population by hearing from the public most affected by advances in gene editing as well as the scientists making these advances happen.  Thus, we’re inviting patients, farmers and other agriculture specialists, ethicists, regulators and more.

While we adapt to change unfolding at top speed, dealing with economic, health, and logistical crises – we must resist the urge to simply hit the brakes. We believe in empowering our membership to communicate complex topics with clarity, authenticity, and humility. We must foster scientific change-makers who are not only well-informed, but who have the necessary tools and skills to communicate our findings with the broader public. Communication of this kind is necessary not only to drive learning, but also to help shape the very fabric of our societies and cultures.  For this reason, we are also inviting experts in science communication to help us synthesize topics.


Our Sessions Topics:


Day One:

Genome Editing for Meeting 21st Century Needs
Animal Editing
Plant Editing
Genetic Biocontrol

Day Two:

Cancer Treatment Using Scripted Cells
Rosalind Franklin Society Award
Gene Therapies for Genetic Diseases
Biophysics of Gene Editing from Outside to Inside

Day Three:

Will rewriting microbial genomes rewrite the future?
What can we learn and build in aquatic environments with genome editing?
Powering the future - what does the future hold for GE?


We’ve got swag!

All registered attendees of GWG2021 will receive a complimentary virtual screening of the documentary film Human Nature.

Human Nature is a 2019 film created by executive producer Dan Rather and director Adam Bolt. It’s the story of the biggest tech revolution of the 21st Century. And it isn’t digital; it’s biological. It’s CRISPR.
Find out more about the film and watch the trailer here.

How does it work? At the conclusion of our event on Friday, July 30th, all registered attendees will receive a link to a virtual screening room hosted by Wonder Collaborative Films. You’ll have until 4 PM on Sunday, August 1st, to watch the film at your leisure.


Who should attend the GWG 2021 event?

Scientists, faculty, physicians, students, entrepreneurs, investors, government representatives, futurists, science communicators, artists — anyone involved in the responsible use of powerful new tools for genome engineering and gene editing.


GWG is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive experience
The Genome Writers Guild strives to provide a safe, inclusive, and welcoming virtual conference experience for everyone. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying, xenophobia, or racism in any form.